Academy for Sophisticated Adult’s Taste
In the area of Yaesu, Nihonbashi and Kyobashi, you can find many adults who know genuineness in various fields ranging from food, clothing, and housing to hobbies and jobs. This is an illustrated essay expressing the “taste” of those towns, created by illustrator Chie Sasaki.
Chie Sasaki
Chie Sasaki is popular for her illustrated essays with the uniquely loose touch and sharp viewpoints, working extensively in magazines, advertising, and Web media. She likes travelling enough to publish an all-illustration guide to Taiwan titled LOVE Tainan~Taiwan no Kyoto de Tabeasobi ~ (LOVE Tainan ~ foods and activities in the Kyoto-like area of Taiwan~) (Shodensha Publishing Co., Ltd.) in 2017. Other writings of hers include Kozure Souru (Travel to Seoul with My Children) and Jiji Tsure Meido no Miyagetabi in Pari (A trip with elderly men in Paris as a golden memory for them) (both from Shodensha Publishing Co., Ltd.)
Relaxing time for adults at the scotch bar ”COFFEE & WHISKY BAR Islay ” known only to those in the know.
An Art Gallery Providing Lessons! –at the Matsumoto Shoeido Antique Store that Holds a Calligraphy Class is a True Ideal for Adult Tastes
A Festival as the Soul of the Japanese – First Mikoshi Experience in My Life during the Sanno-Matsuri Festival, One of the Three Major Festivals of Japan[Shitamachi Rengo Togyo Part]
A Festival as the Soul of the Japanese – First Mikoshi Experience in My Life during the Sanno-Matsuri Festival, One of the Three Major Festivals of Japan [Advance Preparation Part ]
Adults’ Intellectuality and Hospitality Learned from the Traditional Japanese Culture – “the Art of Tea Ceremony”
The Dazzling World of Old Books at World Antiquarian Book Plaza