The cheese steak with gravy filling your mouth is delicious. Philadelphia cuisine “Philly”


The charm of the Yaesu, Nihonbashi, and Kyobashi area is that you can find delicious food from both Japan and abroad, and you can choose a restaurant according to your purpose and mood. GOKINJYO, a community of women workers in this area, introduces their favorite dishes in this relay series.

For our New Year’s party, members of “GOKINJYO,” a community for women working around Yaesu, Nihonbashi, and Kyobashi, went to Philly, a restaurant serving Philadelphia cuisine.


To be honest, I was wondering what Philadelphia cuisine was. Is it different from American cuisine?


As I sat at a table overlooking the streets of Nihonbashi, the owner, Nakajo, who had just returned from Philadelphia the previous day, served me a Philadelphia beer that he had procured there.

It’s called “STAR JOCKEY.” The pixel art style packaging is very cute. The taste was surprisingly bitter. The cute packaging and the bitter beer, nice contrast.


Philadelphia food is full of meat anyway!


The bitter Philadelphia beer goes really well with the meat with a strong flavor. This is me, cutting the lamb innocently, I’m so serious.

In the middle of our New Year’s party, a man from Philadelphia (with a very cheerful and Popeye-like visual) who had been working in Japan for over ten years burst into the party!

He taught me a lot of Philadelphia dishes. He was so kind.


By the way, when he looked at the table where the dishes we ordered were lined up, he was surprised and said, “What?! You haven’t had the cheesesteak?! That’s impossible!!”… Take advantage of the momentum and order!

This cheesesteak is an incredible dish.

Actually, I’ve been fascinated by this cuisine ever since I went to Philly.


Plenty of steak and plenty of cheese sandwiched between thick breads.


If I open my mouth wide and eat it, the gravy will spread in my mouth and will make me happy. I definitely want to eat it again.


The two owners of the restaurant are studying every day to perfect their cheese steaks. Is it going to taste any better?


To finish off, we had spaghetti with meat sauce! The meat in this dish was also really delicious.

A New Year’s party full of meat, meat and more meat. It was a great night with lots of laughs and enthusiasm to do our best this year with everyone in the GOKINJYO community.

Nikaido (a.k.a. Nika-chan)

Community Manager of Female Workers Community”GOKINJYO”